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Let's get started

At Alexa Lee Counseling our mission is to help bring the light in and help you to live a wholehearted life.

50 minute Individual Counseling Sessions

Individual counseling sessions for adults and adolescents are designed to fit the needs of each individual client. We work with both men and women. These therapy sessions can be used to reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, process through grief, and provide support during transitional stages. Evidence-based practices are used to help clients navigate through life.  

Individual therapy sessions help you gain insight and solve problems in your life. These sessions help tackle relationship problems, manage stress, & develop better communication.

1 Hour Couples Counseling Sessions

Couples counseling sessions are used to help you reconnect with each other and solve issues in your relationship. Alexa Lee Counseling believe’s that the quality of our relationships determines the quality of our life. Couples counseling helps couples strengthen their intimacy and communication. Do you feel like you and your partner have turned into roommates? Do you feel like the friendship you once had with each other is gone? Couples counseling will help you build that friendship again. We will work together to help you and your significant other develop healthy ways to fight and learn new ways to truly connect with each other.

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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